Real People Celebrating Real Results!
Read these REAL STORIES of people just like YOU who have successfully
completed the re:Define System (AKA YP10 System)
one or more times.
23 lbs, 1 round
My journey with YP10 started with listening to my local country radio station, and DJ Mike Tyler talking about his own journey with YP10. Listening to it on the radio and him describing the amount of weight he lost and the ease of the program was very interesting to me. I have always struggled in my adult life to lose the extra 30 pounds that I can’t seem to get rid of. I have tried the gym, I had tried dieting,
I have tried just about everything, and I just can’t seem to take off those extra pounds with my busy life. Throughout my journey and a total of 23 pounds lost, I gain a new respect for myself and what I can accomplish when I put my mind to it, and I now know a much healthier lifestyle. I still have a little ways to go and I know with my second round, I’ll get there.