re:Define Systems

Real People Celebrating Real Results!

Read these REAL STORIES of people just like YOU who have successfully
completed the re:Define System (AKA YP10 System)
one or more times.


17 lbs, 1 round, Basic System

I have struggled with my weight for the last 15 years. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and suffered spinal issues. The inability to exercise and constant pain was overwhelming. The weight increased gradually, but as the years passed, it became harder to take it off. My husband and I own a life insurance company and seeing all the health issues that arise from obesity, I knew I had to take action to improve my health. I was introduced to YP10 by one of our agents.

I didn’t think it was possible to lose so quickly, but he dropped over 25 lbs in 3 weeks so I was sold on the program. I like the structure of the program and I lost 17 lbs during the first round and was able to keep it off in maintenance. My goal is to reach my ideal BMI and lose a total of 40 lbs during my journey. I’m feeling more energized and friend and family are complimenting me on my appearance. I’m still restricted by the effects of fibromyalgia but the pain in my muscles has lessened and I have more energy to enjoy our 13 beautiful grandchildren.

Show me the Basic System

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17 lbs , 1 round, Basic System

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